Monthly Archives: March 2005

  • The End Game

    The End Game

    A Tribute to Ann Axelrod… September 11, 1916 – March 22, 2004 (Reprinted as written March 21, 2004) I’ve been immersed in playing the NEW Game. Today, I’d like to talk about a different game. It’s a game none of us look forward to, yet each one of us will play one day: The end […]

  • Play Your Best Game TODAY!

    Play Your Best Game TODAY!

    Welcome to Spring! One of the great benefits of working with people is how much you can learn. Every day is a new day of discovery and adventure. Much of life’s valuable wisdom comes from how we overcome setbacks, letdowns and disappointments, and continue forward. A key to living in the present is to not […]

  • Originators and Imitators!

    Originators and Imitators!

    It’s said that imitation is the highest form of flattery. Flattery, it seems, is everywhere. There have never been so many people writing so many things they have learned from others. Spreading education is a great thing. Unfortunately, many people write without reference, credit, attribution or acknowledgment of their sources. They co-opt sayings, phrases, language […]

  • Avoid Theft of Expectations

    Avoid Theft of Expectations

    Theft is anti-wealth. It destroys the human spirit and reduces market potential for everyone. Theft is anti-ecological, corrupts the market, increases injustice, and reduces potential for order and wealth in the world. Theft causes scarcity by taking something that belongs to someone else. Scarcity results when you are robbed of one or more of five […]

  • Splitting Arrows

    Splitting Arrows

    A BIG “Aha” from my corporate coaching work… I got a lot of response to my “floater” story. (You can read it; it’s the February 24 Blog post, “Power Networking… Floating in the Caribbean!”). I met a Senior V.P. if IBM floating on a raft in the Caribbean Sea. That is where the story starts. […]

  • Five Webinar Keepers

    Five Webinar Keepers

    On Tuesday, March 1 Networking Times Magazine sponsored my Webinar… “Rejection Proof Networking!” This program is filled with golden nuggets, valuable life skills for business and business skills for life. Here are a few highlights we discussed: 1) The “Stimulus – Response” Model: Alters your relationship with the past and enables decision-making to occur in […]

  • Rejection Proof Your Networking

    Rejection Proof Your Networking

    A few networking tips and last minute reminder about tonight’s Webinar sponsored by Networking Times Magazine! As of 5pm eastern yesterday, we had 774 people from all over the planet enrolled in tonight’s Webinar, “Rejection Proof Networking: How to Speak to Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime!” Truly, the Internet is amazing in its unique ability to bring […]