Monthly Archives: April 2008

  • So Much Yet, So Little

    So Much Yet, So Little

    Have you noticed how we have so much and yet, so little? So much spin, so little truth. So much talk, so little listening. So much conversation, so little understanding. So much fluff, so little substance. So much hype, so little trust. So much information, so little insight. So much knowledge, so little wisdom. So […]

  • How Jay Abraham Hiring Me Changed My Game

    How Jay Abraham Hiring Me Changed My Game

    In 1989, I took Jay Abraham’s protege program. The price tag was $15,000. Everyone I knew said, “You’re NUTS!” Here are the results over the next three years: In 1990, Jay hired me and paid me a lot to train his proteges. In 1991, my income jumped by $100,000. In 1992, I licensed my training […]

  • Play Your Best, Build An All Star Team

    Play Your Best, Build An All Star Team

    In today’s Play the NEW Game™ we discussed how to: * Play YOUR best position. * Surround yourself with an all-star team! * Play for the love of the game. We talked baseball, business and life. Listen now: Or download today’s conversation here: Here are the resources we mentioned about playing your best game and […]