Gift of Presence

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Of all the gifts you can exchange none is greater
or has more lasting value than the gift of…


In addition to giving presents this holiday season,
give your PRESENCE!

Presence is your gift to those you love and serve.
Presence is the gift that keeps on giving.

When our attention is in

the past or the future,
we are not experiencing BEING PRESENT.

When we glance back to what’s unalterably done, or
gaze ahead to what’s not yet here, we disconnect
from the only reality that exists:

The present!

When you’re with others how often is everyone present?

Locked on, in your face, time stands still present.
Listening with ears, eyes, heart and soul present.
Oblivious to everything else but YOU present.

Your undivided attention can change a life.

Give your

presence to everyone you care about.
Encourage them to give it to everyone they care about.

Pretty soon, everyone is present.
Then the real fun begins.

We can DO astounding things when we are BEING present.

Give yourself and others a gift that costs nothing
yet is worth more than anything dollars can buy.

Give your presence.
It’s the most valuable gift of all.

Have a merry and a happy.

Presently yours,

P/S ~ In this video recorded live at a Harv Eker event
I discuss how to be present and bring others present.

Change YOUR stimulus and you change THEIR response.
Respond in the present instead of reacting from the past.

Please share this message and video with anyone you like.

Click the links below to watch video:

Part 1 – Being Present and Bringing Others Present

Part 2 – Stop Reacting, Start Responding