Originators and Imitators!

It’s said that imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Flattery, it seems, is everywhere. There have never been so many people writing so many things they have learned from others. Spreading education is a great thing.

Unfortunately, many people write without reference, credit, attribution or acknowledgment of their sources. They co-opt sayings, phrases, language and even brands and make them their own.

How is taking someone’s intellectual property different than taking his house, car, furniture, or money? Intellectual property generates money that buys houses, cars, and furniture. It creates wealth to give to charity and worthy causes. The wealthiest person on the planet built his fortune on software. Bill Gates knows how valuable intellectual property is.

When imitators swipe intellectual property without referencing and acknowledging its source, they are burgling the mind of the originator. Theft of intellect is a transgression in the spirit world. Sadly, it is happening with such frequency that people are beginning to accept it as if it’s “just business.”

The NEW Game is NOT JUST business; it’s personal!

If you use someone’s intellectual property, credit that person as your source. It’s the spiritual thing to do. It raises your esteem. To be comfortable enough in your own skin to give credit where credit is due strengthens your influence and heightens your standing.

People deserve to know the originator of material.
The originator deserves to be acknowledged for his creation.

It’s a good deal all around.

Mitch Axelrod, “The NEW Game”
CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer), “Credit Where Credit is Due!”