Zen in 2010… Back in the Flow Again

Less Goal, More Role and a Whole Lotta Soul

Happy New Year!
Fill it with plenty o’ plenty of what matters most.

Can you remember how you felt the last time you experienced a dark night of the soul?

December 2009 was my dark month of the soul.
All at once I felt the heavy weight of years of painful personal loss.

It also marked the end of what I see as America’s dark decade.
It feels like our compulsion for goal is costing us our soul.

It’s said we can’t know light without dark.
Their stark contrast distinguishes them.

We love the light.
We fear the dark.

We live in the light.
We rest in the dark.

Good guys dress in white.
Bad guys are clad in black.

Light is good.
Darkness is bad.

We see light and dark as opposites.

Paradoxically, they are different and the same.
They are two parts of a whole.

Like the brain’s left and right hemispheres, we need both for a healthy and whole life.

Constant light burns us out if we can’t regenerate in the dark.

One 24-hour day without night depletes us.

Deep in a month of dark I couldn’t see a glimmer of light.

Night lasts as long as it must to prepare us for day.
Dark lasts as long as it must to prepare us for light.

We mess with Nature when we wake in the dark.
We screw with life’s natural rhythms when we go too long without sleep.

Time is measured precisely in the land of light and dark.

Resistance perpetuates the dark.
Acceptance accentuates the light.

The wheel of life turns up, and it turns down.
As day follows night, you are one turn from dark into light.

Zen in 2010… Back in the Flow Again

I want to be Zen in 2010, to be back in the flow again.

A confluence of circumstances creates a cosmic convergence that leads to collision or cohesion.

As dark is to light, maybe collision is necessary for cohesion.
From breakdown comes breakthrough.

Many spiritual pathways say the light is always here.
We block it or disconnect from it.

If that’s so, we don’t get to light through the force of pushing away dark.
Condemning the dark won’t reveal the light.

Light shines when we open up to it.

We don’t see good by forcing away bad.
We enjoy the sweet by accepting the sour.

We open to light by accepting what is.

There’s a lot of dark in the world right now.
We can use all the light we can get.

I welcome light from wherever it shines.
I like sharing it.

Those you know and love need light.
Share yours.

Enlighten someone you care about today.

Zen in 2010.
Let’s get back in the flow again.

I enjoy traveling the path with you.

You’re a player.
I’ll meet you on the field and in the flow.

Mitch Axelrod, CEO – Chief Encouragement Officer
Zen in 2010… Back in the Flow Again

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