A NEW Declaration of Independence

Happy 4th to my US friends… and to all my friends who find value in this.


Today is a good day to declare independence from…

Worry, guilt, fear, blame, shame, doubt, dread, anxiety, tension, illness, being right, power (or powerlessness), control, failure, money (or lack of), anger, pain, hurt, conflict, resentment, resistance, problems, suffering… pick your poison.

Here’s the beginning of my list. You might make your own.

I declare I am independent and free from…

Dependencies and other mental maladies I inflict upon myself or allow to be inflicted upon me.

Words, opinions and reactions of others.

Holding my tongue instead of speaking my truth.

Groups, organizations and businesses whose rules, policies and procedures cause systemic abuse.

External authority. I claim my authority and autonomy over my thoughts, actions, feelings and life.

Manipulative advertising and marketing aimed to separate me from my money.

A desire to be better, do better, have better or more than anyone else.

Comparison. I’m at peace with who I am, what I am and where I am.

Doing it the way others have done it, while not sabotaging myself because I don’t want to do it the way others have done it.

All limited thinking of my value. I allow the market to pay me what I am truly worth.

The notion that I am or must be in control of anything outside myself. I trust others.

Climbing mountains. I prefer to jump in the river and see where it flows.

Frustration, upset, despair or anger over anything anyone feels, says or does.

Frustration, upset, despair or anger over anything I feel, say or do.

Fear of disappointing others.


Judgment about myself and of others.

Measuring up to anyone’s expectations.

Diminishing myself for not living up to my own expectations.

Challenging, confronting or clashing over beliefs, ideology or principles.

The urge to be right or make anyone wrong.

Thinking I am not valuable, worthy and deserving of a Soul-Role-Goal™ full life, livelihood and lifestyle.

Being comfortable going last (I am the youngest of eight kids). It’s ok to put myself first.

Reluctance or hesitation to ask for what I want and need.

Rigidity. I maintain flexibility and fluidity.

Approval of and from others.

Agreeing when I disagree.

Impulse to go along and get along instead of getting up and moving along.

Grudges and anger.


Rejecting myself in any way.

Thinking and acting as if I’m actually independent!

to be continued…

What do you declare your independence from this 4th of July?

Feel free to share the ❤


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