A Present for a Merry, Merry and a Happy, Happy

On December 11, at Harv Eker’s “Never Work Again” seminar
I asked the audience:

“If you are FINANCIALLY FREE, please raise your hand.”

Out of 900 people, fewer than 10 hands went up.

My follow up question caused a near riot:

“If you are NOT financially free, then what are you?”

They shouted:

“Trapped by my bills.”
“Slave to my job.”
“Working for the man.”
“Drowning in credit cards.”
“Frustrated and angry.”

One a guy yelled out, “Suicidal.”


It’s an amazing sight to see 900 people roused, ranting and ready to storm the stage, if only I could give them the magic pill to ease the pain and end the suffering.

I decided to ask a few “FREEDOM” questions.

“Were you, or are you, free to?.”

Come to this seminar?
Travel by plane, train or automobile?
Meet new people?
Come in early and stay late?
Use what you learn to better your life?
Choose your work?
Choose new work?
Earn more or, earn less if it suits you better?
Choose your friends?
Choose where you live and what you drive?
Charge what you want on credit cards?
Go where you want to go?
Do what you want to do?
Choose status quo or something new and different?

NOW, if you feel more financially free, raise your hand.

Almost every hand went up.

Big doors swing on little hinges.

The big door of financial freedom bursts wide open on the little hinge called choice.

You don’t have to achieve financial freedom.
You CHOOSE FREEDOM, however much financial you have.

In a few minutes, a shift of context transformed 99% of them from trapped to free.

They reframed the game called FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

They got that freedom is a state of being, an intrinsic value.
It’s a state inside that has nothing to do with net worth outside.

I asked,


Many people agree it’s to be able to live a lifestyle you like without having to work.

It’s having enough PASSIVE and RESIDUAL INCOME so you don’t have to work for ACTIVE INCOME.

FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE is a statement of account.
It’s measured by your cash flow and net worth.

FINANCIAL FREEDOM is a state of being.
It’s beyond measure.

Freedom is like happiness.
You don’t do, get, have or go happy.


You can BE financially free whether or not you are financially independent.

One of my dear friends never made more than $50,000.
He’s among the most financially free people I know.
He lives life to the fullest, skis, plays golf and is calm and centered.

I have other friends worth tens of millions.
Some are as trapped by their millions as the homeless man is trapped by his empty pockets.

You may think your net worth reflects your FINANCIAL FREEDOM.
You’ll be happier and freer when you straighten out that crooked thinking.

Only 2% of us, one person out of 49 has enough passive and/or residual income to live without actively working.

Does that mean 98% of us will never be financially free? No.
It means that 98% of us may not be financially independent.

We are free to live within our means.
We are free to live beneath our means.

We are free to save and invest so we may weather rough times without stress and worry.

We are also free to spend, squander and teeter on the edge.

I am not a big fan of affirmations.
I share with you the one I offered the audience:


Financial freedom is an intrinsic value.
It’s a state of being that is beyond measure.

Financial independence is an extrinsic value.
It’s a statement of account measured by income and net worth.

Net worth is NOT self-worth.
Financial independence is NOT financial freedom.

Don’t ever again confuse or conflate the two.

The best gift you can give yourself this holiday season is the?.


Right now, in the present, BE financially free!

Want a merry, merry and a happy, happy?


Within that context, you can play and enjoy a NEW Game of Financial Independence.

No matter how high we stack the gifts under the Christmas tree or how many sit next to the Hanukkah menorah, the most precious present occupies no space and is every place:


The best “present” is the freedom to choose.

Choose life.
Choose livelihood.
Most of all choose love.

Here’s to a Merry, Merry and a Happy, Happy for you and yours.

To your freedom with love,
