Articles Posted in the " NEW Women " Category

  • Can I Gush a Little Today?

    Tonight we celebrate our son Adam’s commencement from High School. I can’t put into words how proud and tingly I feel today. Adam is a great guy. He is grounded, spiritual, and wise beyond his years. I am often surprised that through the haze of teen age, he has sharp clarity on things that matter. […]

  • If Women Ran the World…

    A Whole Different Kind of Regime Change! (Originally published March 19, 2003, on the eve of the Iraq invasion.) I have a simple solution that will eliminate the threat of weapons of mass destruction and end all need for war. It’s a sure-fire way to step back from the brink and save everyone from untold […]

  • A NEW League for Network Marketers

    A NEW League for Network Marketers

    On Feb. 4, we began “Spring Training” with our rapidly growing Residual Income Team to play and win “The NEW Game of Network Marketing™.” In just 30 days, our team is changing the game. We’re forming a NEW League where network marketing is a professional game. The players attracted to this NEW League are eager […]

  • Happy, Happy

    Happy, Happy

    The New Year! It’s a time to resolve! Maybe more important, it’s a time to reflect. Resolutions are about looking ahead to what you don’t yet have. Reflection is about looking at what you already have, what you experienced and what you learned. Take as much time to appreciate the reflections as to contemplate the […]

  • My Birthday Present… Bounce-Back Ability

    My Birthday Present… Bounce-Back Ability

    It’s that day when 51 years ago my Mom and Dad said, “Welcome to the world, Mitch!” It’s also that day when, 17 years ago Adam’s Mom and I said, “Welcome to the world, Adam!” I am extremely blessed to share my birthday with my son. It always will be the best birthday PRESENT I […]

  • Just Imagine IF… PEACE Broke Out!

    Just Imagine IF… PEACE Broke Out!

    Today, Pope John Paul II is laid to rest. Be at peace, Your Holiness. It’s likely Pope John Paul II will become a saint. Although I am not Catholic, he gets my vote. He was a man of peace, love and understanding. Peoples of all faiths mourn his passing. He was more than a religious […]

  • The End Game

    The End Game

    A Tribute to Ann Axelrod… September 11, 1916 – March 22, 2004 (Reprinted as written March 21, 2004) I’ve been immersed in playing the NEW Game. Today, I’d like to talk about a different game. It’s a game none of us look forward to, yet each one of us will play one day: The end […]

  • Avoid Theft of Expectations

    Avoid Theft of Expectations

    Theft is anti-wealth. It destroys the human spirit and reduces market potential for everyone. Theft is anti-ecological, corrupts the market, increases injustice, and reduces potential for order and wealth in the world. Theft causes scarcity by taking something that belongs to someone else. Scarcity results when you are robbed of one or more of five […]

  • Rejection Proof Your Networking

    Rejection Proof Your Networking

    A few networking tips and last minute reminder about tonight’s Webinar sponsored by Networking Times Magazine! As of 5pm eastern yesterday, we had 774 people from all over the planet enrolled in tonight’s Webinar, “Rejection Proof Networking: How to Speak to Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime!” Truly, the Internet is amazing in its unique ability to bring […]