Big Game, Big Name, Big Fame

It seems we have become obsessed with bigger.
We think bigger is better.

Bigger is sometimes better.
More often, bigger is not better but badder.

Do you want bigger government?
How about bigger weapons?

Would you like to see bigger lines for gas?
Will bigger consumption do the trick?

Is bigger wealth always better?
I’m sure you know wealthy people who act smaller than the poor.

The hot new “bigger” is to play a BIGGER GAME.
Even bigger than a bigger game is to have a BIGGER NAME.
For some, the ultimate bigger is BIGGER FAME.

Is “Big Game, Big Name, Big Fame” our new success standard?

Can I still be successful if I’m not playing a bigger game, don’t have a bigger name, and never achieve bigger fame?

Is it really true that, “size matters?”
Just how BIG is big enough?

Maybe this explains why 75% of us suffer from a serious stress disorder called…


Using Axiology (the science of human values) and our proprietary software, in 15 MINUTES we can measure your GOAL FRUSTRATION.

GOAL FRUSTRATION is one of three factors that contribute most to mental stress.


Success BS™ says, “the bigger the better.”
Truth is, that for most of us, bigger is more bad than good.

Bigger can set you up for setback, disappointment, and heartbreak. Bigger can cause you to sell your soul and frustrate your role.

Every day I speak to people who are tired of seeking bigger at the expense of better. They are ready to reframe the game.

Instead of playing a bigger game, promoting themselves to a bigger name, or chasing the elusive bigger fame, they long to…


The want to play for the love of the game.

They want more than just money and mission.
They want meaning.

The NEW Game is a movement to play a better game.

It’s about being WHO YOU ARE.
It’s about playing YOUR game.
It’s about enjoying the game, whatever the score and whatever the outcome.

It’s less about winning and more about…


If you are not playing for the love of the game, and you think that playing bigger is going to make it all better, you are in for a long season.

Playing a bigger game you don’t want to play won’t yield a better life.

Instead of playing a bigger game, play for the love of the game.

There is nothing bigger or better than love!
Love is the biggest game you can play.
Love is also the highest value in life.

No matter how big the name or the fame, without love you’re playing an empty game.

Play every game you play for the love of the game!

Last week, I was interviewed by John Assaraf (a humble “big” name who plays for the love of the game) for his private ONECoach® members.

I shared this NEW Game Mantra:

“Love, serve, and love some more!”

In everything you do, from business to money to life…

Love, serve, and love some more!

Play a better game.
You’ll have the most fun and, you’ll make the biggest difference.

You’re a player.
I’ll meet you on the field.

Mitch, CEO – Chief Encouragement Officer™
“Play a Better Game”

PS ~ There ARE times when BIGGER IS BETTER.

Being “bigger” is better when someone is being smaller.
Rise above the critical, offensive, hurtful, and mean-spirited.

Stand tall when the mud starts flying.
Don’t stoop down to pick it up and sling it back.

It’s better to have mud on your face than sling it on someone else’s.

Being bigger is also better when someone is vulnerable or in need.

Being bigger is also better when you’re playing bigger than just yourself.

One of the best games of all is to make other players better.

You will never have to worry about playing a bigger game when you love the game and make other players better.