So Much Yet, So Little
Have you noticed how we have so much and yet, so little?
So much spin, so little truth.
So much talk, so little listening.
So much conversation, so little understanding.
So much fluff, so little substance.
So much hype, so little trust.
So much information, so little insight.
So much knowledge, so little wisdom.
So much confusion, so little clarity.
So much blame, so little responsibility.
So much judgment, so little acceptance.
So much vanity, so little humanity.
So much disease, so little health.
So much stress, so little bliss.
So much movement, so little progress.
So much consumption, so little prudence.
So much waste, so little thrift.
So much money, so little wealth.
So much anger, so little compassion.
So much suffering, so little happiness.
So much heat, so little light.
So much ego, so little soul.
So much fear, so little love.
So much war, so little peace.
If I weren’t so optimistic,
I could be so distressed.
Play 98# from The NEW Game Playbook is:
Soul, Role, Goal… The NEW Values’ Hierarchy™
Your goal, where you go, is valuable.
Your role, what you do, is more valuable.
Your soul, who you are, is most valuable.
It’s important to set your goal.
It’s more important to enjoy your role.
It’s most important to take care of your soul.
Since I last spoke with you, I have been…
Taking care of my soul.
Clarifying my role.
Recalibrating my goal.
I am committed to turn so little into so much.
Will you join me?
I’ll talk to you tomorrow about how.
You’re a player.
You CAN turn so little into so much.
I’ll meet you on the field.
Mitch, CEO — Chief Encouragement Officer™
“Turn So Little into So Much!”
P/S — Please express your feelings and thoughts about,
“So much and yet, so little” below.
Exquititely poetic . . . achingly true, Mitch . . .
Soul touching expressions . . .
Burt Dubin
Soul Role Goal – Consider the meaningless of materiality as expressed by the effort that is expended in that which is sought after [goal]. What you are willing to set aside in acquiring the object of desire [role]. Then consider all that you have acquired, its lack of value and lack of importance after the effort and the newness of acquisition has passed.
Now consider the lasting nature and importance of soul [spirituality]. In my treasure vault are those things that helped others, the things of spirit, soul and social worth. My vault does not have a lock, guard or door. It is open to all who need, seek and desire a more meaningful and satisfying path. Is your safe locked or is it open to help all in need?
Social Intervention is about spreading the wealth of knowledge, meaningfulness, shared opportunity and spirituality of purpose to those who need a little help! The vault although open to all in need is never emptied, rather it needs to be expanded as it fills with spiritual wealth.
Hi Mitch,
This was so “on track” for me. I have been out of pocket for the past 6 weeks taking care of my daughter who was in a wreck and is in a wheelchair. Her health has been so compromised as a result. She is doing so much better now but still has a long way to go.
The wonderful part is because of my Network Marketing business, I was able to take off the 6 weeks and give her my full focus…and my checks continued to come in every week. If I were still in my old corporate job, it would have been almost impossible for me to do that.
I turned a little (zero) into something big and continues to get bigger.
What a wonderful way to earn an income and live a life. I can focus on what is important when the crises come along.
Thanks Mitch.
Mitch, you are a wonderful instrument in helping individuals to move closer who they are in truth. I applaud you.
One thing to consider is that every time we are angry, disturbed, impatient, judgmental, righteous, or defensive, and every time we see ourselves as different and separate from another, or see ourselves as better than or less than another, we ARE at war. Make sense? The insanity of it is, we ALL do it! Don’t we? I know I do.
I think a question to ask ourselves is, “How can we see ourselves as united with every other human being, as one with each other and our Creator?” Reason being, I believe we act according to our self-concepts. If we can accomplish this and live from a point of Oneness with our Creator and every other human being, what would there be but love, kindness, and generosity? What would there be except goals that are aligned with the love and joy of who we are in truth?
Thanks Mitch for your ongoing assistance in helping to move humanity in this direction.
I heard it said that, ‘We all fall short of God’s … standard’ The strongest among us struggle with areas of weakness. But by continually wallowing in guilt, resentment, unforgiveness you’re not only punishing yourself, you’re allowing others to punish you too, because you think you deserve it. Surrendering your life to a higher power doesn’t mean you become sinless or perfect. Even the great Apostle Paul, who had ‘the desire to do … good’ admits that sometimes he couldn’t ‘carry it out’
The good news is that God doesn’t judge us guilty, we are the ones who do the judging, of ourselves and others. When I repent of this guilt, anger, and bitterness – thoughts which create negative feelings towards myself and others and seek forgiveness from God and myself, God’s bound to honour His Word. Nothing you or I do surprises Him. He knows the treasure in us is revealed when we let go of the past and it is simply to show that this all-surpassing power to let go and forgive is from God and not from us. I read of a Pastor who writes: as I looked at the people I’ve come to love, I saw that each was an earthen vessel … I looked into each mud pot and … saw exquisite molten gold. Each person frail, vulnerable, and half-fashioned had treasure inside … each pot was cracked … and the … gold was oozing through the cracks. That’s how love and compassion comes into the world, not poured out of expensive vases, but through … the faults and weaknesses of real people who are being transfigured.’
Now our thoughts of the past will try to make you feel guilty over things of which you’ve already repented. But you can defeat these negative thoughts in your life by reminding yourself that you are forgiven – past, present and future. So get off the guilt train today and begin to ‘live your life with gladness’.
Hi Mitch,
I like this! Who you are is the most valuable. Making Who You Are shine through what you do and how you do it is the challenge. When we live up to that challenge, our goals become easy and joyful to follow.
It is a great game!
Mitch, “So much yet so Little” found me on a day, which will turn windy and dirty. That is the way it is where I live, this time of year. Not too sure of where I am going, where I want to end up. Just know that there is a better way. Thank you for reaching through all the junk, (the so much), and to remind me of what I already know somehow, my soul to find comes first.
Thank you for the reminder, Mitch.
I’m using my value system as a guide in what I do. Now I have your poem as a checklist to see how I’m doing.
I’m more fulfilled and it helps me overcome obstacle I encounter when I use intrinsic motivation (soul) followed-by external motivation (goal).
Take care. God bless.