8 Magic Words That Will Make Your Day…

The Highest Compliment I Ever Got Paid!

At the end of my interview this morning on KIND radio, Independence, KS, the host said eight magic words that made my day:

“We would love to have you back again.”

I have a simple standard of performance. It’s not perfection. Unless you’re building a bridge, perfection is folly. It is usually counter-productive, often damaging, and sometimes fatal.

My standard is not based on my being perfect.

My standard is based on one simple measure:

“Do you want more of me?”

In other words, would you invite me back?

If I came to your house or your place of business, would you ask me back again?

My goal in human interactions is to, “Be a Great Guest.”

You enrich your experience of life, enjoy your livelihood, and can earn a more prosperous living simply by being a good guest.

You want to transform your life and the lives of the people you visit?

Be a GREAT guest!

When you host, be a good host.

It’s also true in buying and selling.

Being a better buyer helps you become a better seller.
Being a better seller helps you become a better buyer.

The new game puts people ahead of products and profits.

IF you want to change the game, don’t focus on products and profits.
Pay attention to people.

Be a great guest.

You will hear the best compliment you could ever get.

8 Magic Words That Will Make Your Day…

“We would love to have you back again.”

Mitch, CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer™)
“Be a GREAT Guest!”