Monthly Archives: December 2008

  • A Present for a Merry, Merry and a Happy, Happy

    A Present for a Merry, Merry and a Happy, Happy

    On December 11, at Harv Eker’s “Never Work Again” seminar I asked the audience: “If you are FINANCIALLY FREE, please raise your hand.” Out of 900 people, fewer than 10 hands went up. My follow up question caused a near riot: “If you are NOT financially free, then what are you?” They shouted: “Trapped by […]

  • Three Birthday Gifts for You, a Big One for Me

    Three Birthday Gifts for You, a Big One for Me

    Below find three birthday gifts from me to you?. On December 2, 1988 I got my best birthday gift ever: My son Adam was born. This is the 20th birthday we are blessed to share. When it comes to birthday gifts, I need nothing. I have everything and everyone that matters to me. This year, […]