Have you ever missed an opportunity and kicked yourself for not pulling the trigger? Five years ago I said “NO” to my friend Jimmy who invited me to just “take a look.” Saying NO cost me $100,000…. PER YEAR! Jimmy now earns $25,000… PER best price cialis WEEK! It’s all residual income. He reached it […]
PLUS… 48 Hour SUPER SPECIAL see below… Whatever you market or sell, even if it’s just yourself, you will never do it the same way again after you discover these…. BILLION DOLLAR SALES SECRETS! These can earn you another $10,000 to $100,000 or more this year, every year. LISTEN TO THIS BILLION DOLLAR CONVERSATION BEFORE […]
WE KICK OFF TODAY WITH TWO CONVERSATIONS. See details below…. HOW TO MAKE RAIN IN YOUR BUSINESS, NOW! Download this document for the 4pm session Audio mp3 download available NOW I’m going to share 30 years of experience over the next 30 days. Let’s LEAP forward this year by traveling back. To start celebrating my […]
I am always amused by Golda Meir’s admonition, “Don’t be so humble. You’re not that good.” Are you too humble? Is the humility gremlin holding you back? Do you diminish the value of your work and your worth? Do you hesitate to tell people how good you are? Do you delay action for fear of […]
It’s mind boggling to think 40 years have passed. I was a happy, optimistic, idealistic freshman starting high school the year Martin Luther King,, Jr. was killed. His beautiful words inspired me to write. His pulse pounding tone, heart racing pace, and poetic prose inspired me to speak. Although I never met him, he helped […]
Happy New Year. May 2008 be filled with plenty of plenty of what matters most to you! 2008 is a game-changing year. It could be THE game-changing year. Will it be YOUR game-changing year? What are your NEW Games? How will you elevate your play this year? Rather than setting goals or making resolutions, this […]
Nothing is more valuable to make good choices and decisions than to sharpen your clarity of thinking. Clarity is a powerful force that alters life in every way. Playing the NEW Values Game™ will sharpen your clarity and remove mental blocks to success and happiness. I have worked with more than 2,000 people one-on-one. All […]
In 1990, I wanted a simple one page time and activity worksheet to better use and allocate my time. None existed, so I created it. It worked so well for me that I shared it with all my clients, friends and associates. The “Time and Activity Worksheet” is a tool you can use to track […]
Most years I write a birthday message to express my gratitude for making another turn around the sun. This year, I decided to complete the list of 121 plays for… The NEW Game: The Playbook 121 Game Changing Plays to Win in Business, Money and Life! With a few exceptions, everything in The NEW Game […]
When the taxi came this past Monday, I had no clue my 30-minute ride to the airport would impact me forever. I enjoy talking to taxi drivers, but I had no idea this guy was going to bring me to tears. Azeem is from Afghanistan. He came to America 11 years ago. I asked him […]