Are You an Ethical Opportunist?

Are You an Ethical Opportunist?

When windows of opportunity swing open up for you,
do you ‘carpe’ and seize the moment?

There is no shortage of opportunity.
There IS a shortage of opportunists.

Webster’s dictionary gives us some clues as to why.
It defines opportunist as:

“One who takes advantage of conditions or circumstances
for self-serving purposes, usually without concern for
principles or consequences.”

Maybe this explains the shortage of opportunists.

Paradoxically, Webster’s defines ‘opportunity’ as:

“A favorable or promising combination of circumstances.
A chance for advancement or improvement.”

You are encouraged to seek opportunity, to look for a promising
combination of circumstances, and to seize the chance for
advancement or improvement.

Yet, doing so you are defined as an opportunist, someone who is
“self-serving without concern for principles or consequences.”

It’s no wonder we are conflicted about opportunity.

What if you redefine “opportunist” with no judgment about
being self-serving, as someone WITH concern for principles
and consequences? What if you simply define it this way;

“An opportunist is someone who seizes opportunity, ethically!”

Can you be an ethical opportunist?

As an ethical opportunist you can feel good about jumping
through the window of opportunity when it swings open for you.

If a window opened up wide, would you jump through it?

Will you “carpe” today and seize an opportunity?
Or will you “carp” tomorrow about missing it?

Imperfect action beats perfect inaction!

I invite you to join us to play a NEW Game.
The NEW opportunity game.

I have been blessed to attract opportunity my entire career.
Windows of opportunity have always swung open for me.

Many slammed shut because I waited too long.
I regret these the most.

Others I jumped through, only to discover little real value.
I regret these the least because I gained wisdom from them.

Some took me on a life-changing journey.
I treasure these the most.

You have had similar experiences.

I encourage you to be an ethical opportunist.
If you don’t see yourself that way, re-imagine yourself.

Imagine yourself as one who attracts opportunity.
How do you know this is true?
Because you are reading this.

Being part of my world, you have access to everything
I have access to.

You attract all the opportunities I attract.
Whether you seize them is up to you.

Be an ‘ethical opportunist!’
Be willing to share opportunities.

You will attract people meant to hear what you’re saying.

Embrace possibility.
Be ready to move when the window swings open.
Play the opportunity game.

I’m champing at the bit to share opportunities with you,
two of which offer ‘once-in-a-generation’ possibilities.

Whether you get in the game with us is your choice.

Just get in the game.
Be an ethical opportunist.

You’re a player.
You CAN change the game.

I’ll meet you on the field.

Mitch, CEO – Chief Encouragement Officer™
‘Be an Ethical Opportunist!’

P.S. Here are opportunities in the next 30 days.
Please share these with others you feel can benefit.

**** Value Profiler Program begins April 25
A unique combination of personal transformation,
professional development and profit improvement.

This is one a ‘once-in-a-generation’ opportunity to make
really good money making a really big difference:

**** Success Mastery in Miami April 28-30
Les Brown, Olympian Ruben Gonzalez, yours truly
and a dozen other experts and success masters speak:

NOTE: We have a handful of tickets to this event, 50% off.
**Get a $399 gift with each half-price ticket you claim.**

Call us at 973-736-1304 if you want half price tickets for you,
associates or to give a gift to customers and get the $399 gift
for each one you grab.

**** Networking University Webinar on May 2
Win the NEW Game of Selling ™
Attract, Convert, Keep and Multiply Customers.

**** System Seminar in Chicago May 19-21
NEW Internet Marketing – 25 leading Internet marketers
Listen to content rich interviews here.