Be FOR, Not Against!

If you really want to stand up and stand out,
be FOR things and people, not against them.

In situations, I often pay attention to what is wrong.
I have a bias toward seeing what is missing.

It makes me a good problem solver and consultant.
It also makes me miss what is present and working.
I am prone to overlook the good in situations.

In relationships, I am “FOR” people. I look for
ways to acknowledge and validate others.

Some say Election 2004 turned on this distinction.

One reason given for the outcome is that George Bush
made it plain and crystal clear what he is FOR, while
John Kerry made a better case for what he is against
(which was much of what George Bush was for).

In Election 2004, being “FOR” beat being against.

We are attracted to people who are for what we are for,
and suspicious of people who are against what we are for.

It is easy to be against something. It is harder to stand
for something, especially if that stand is unpopular.

Today’s Daily Bread:

Instead of being against, what can you be for?

Instead of competing, how can you cooperate?

Instead of disagreeing, where can you agree?

Instead of seeing what is wrong, see what is right.

Be FOR something today. Declare your stand.
Be FOR someone today. Tell them.

If you want to change the world…

Be FOR It!
