Change the World – Join Our Team

13 C’s to Change the World” conference call audio…

“Craft Your Story Arc” of your life document…

How to Why to Join our Value Profiler Coaching Team…

Application to join our Profiler Team…

Other ways to partner with us – reprint and training rights…

Here is my list of “13 C’s of Change in the World” with short descriptions:

1. Context – Responsibility, Reliance, Reflection; You create script of your life
2. Convergence – No Box, No Rules, No Playbook; You write the playbook.
3. Consciousness – Aware, Alert, Alive, Attentive; Make Invisible visible, Unseen seen
4. Clarity – Critical Characteristic of Choice; Improve yours or borrow from others
5. Change – Unprecedented, Unprepared, Unsettling = New Opportunities, New Possibilities
6. Challenge – New Thinking, New Models, New Solutions, New Leadership
7. Compassion – Value Differences; Empathy, Self-Esteem; Humanity above Vanity and Insanity
8. Contribution – Others, Self; Give, Exchange Value for Value; Talents and Abilities
9. Capitalization – Monetize, Payoff, Reward; Highest and Best; Compassionate Capitalism
10. Communication – Speak, Share, Ask, Improve, Express Yourself; Listen and Understand
11. Creation – What’s NEW? What’s Next? Create from Inside Out, Craft Your Life Story
12. Conversation – Engage, Elevate, Enrich; Understand vs.

Win, Persuade, Convince; We’re “both” right
13. Collaboration – Conscious Business vs. Competition, Confrontation

This Baker’s Dozen reflects shifts I see.
Let me know what you feel, see and think.

Please share your comments below.

If you’d like to team up together I invite you to
call me directly at 973-736-1304 to chat about
the best choice for you.

Call me on:
-> Monday January 25 from 10am to 2pm Eastern.

Become a Value Profiler before January 31, 2010,
I buy you two personal value profiles ($149) and waive my
fee ($500) for an hour of private coaching and feedback.

Feel free to share this with anyone you like.

If someone you recommend teams up with generic viagra online us, we’ll
reward you for introducing them in a way you’d
like to be compensated.

Please call 973-736-1304 if you want to chat about
working together.

Wanna change the world?
Comment below about how you feel about the 13 C’s.

You’re a player.
You can change the game.

You CAN change the world.
I’ll meet you on the field.


P/S ~ 13 C’s to Change the World” conference call audio…

“Craft Your Story Arc” of your life document…

How to Why to Join our Value Profiler Coaching Team…

Application to join our Profiler Team…

Other ways to partner with us – reprint and training rights…