Podcast Replay: So Long Soul Frustration… Hello FLOW!

Here is Part 3 of the series on the “Soul, Role, Goal of Life…”
“So Long Soul Frustration, Hello FLOW!”

We really had some amazing insights and comments.

MP3 File

Parts 1 and 2 of this series are here:

Goodbye Goal Frustration

Relieve Role Frustration

If you’re ready to…

Get rid of goal frustration,
Release role frustration,
Say so long soul frustration, HELLO FLOW…

This Podcast series will show you how.

FLOW is the Soul, Role, Goal of Life!

Listen to these conversations. They will…

Revitalize your soul,
Re-energize your role,
Re-excite you about your goal.

You’re a player.
You CAN change the FLOW game.

I’ll meet you on the “Soul, Role, Goal” field.

Mitch – CEO, Chief Encouragement Officer
“So Long Soul, Role, Goal Frustration… Hello Flow!”

P/S ~ Please share this with friends and share your comments with us.

Parts 1 and 2 of this series are here:

Goodbye Goal Frustration

Relieve Role Frustration

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