No-Box Thinking™

To play and win the new game, it’s wise to embrace no box thinking.

Outside the box thinking is really just inside a bigger box. You’re still bounded.

Go beyond outside the box. Throw the box away.
As my friend Clay Cotton says, “What box?”

Re-start, right now, wherever you are with a clean slate.

Let go of past notions, beliefs that no longer serve you, and wounds that have not healed. Look at something old in a new light, from a new angle, with a new perspective. Take in new information.

Apply new knowledge. Seek new wisdom.
Change your mind.

Can’t solve new problems with old thinking.
Can’t play a new game with old rules.
Can’t win the game if you’re not on the field.
Can’t score if you don’t swing the bat.

What’s in the way of living for today?
The past, and the future.

“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.”
— James Thurber

Don’t relive the past. It’s too costly.
You already paid the price. Don’t pay twice.

Don’t pre-live the future. It’s an illusion.
The present is. The future may never be.

Don’t give up now for later.
Now is all you’ve got.

Life is a continuous adventure of “Now” experiences.

You’re not here to live other lives.
You’re here to live your life.

You’re not here to change other minds.
You’re here to speak your mind.

If you want people to respond, don’t try to change them.
Change you.

If you want a different response, change the stimulus.

Don’t react from the past.
Don’t project into the future.
Respond in the present.

Control the decision gap!

It looks like this:

Stimulus —-> [ Decision Gap ] —-> Response

Strengthen response-ability; control the decision gap! Don’t react; respond.

Throw the box away.
Clean the slate.

Write your NEW game plan for life, livelihood and living.

©2004, Mitchell Axelrod. All rights reserved.