Stop Hoping, Start Trusting!

Hope is a great thing to have.

“I hope” is not a great thing to say.

I work hard to keep hope alive in my head.

I work even harder to eliminate the word “hope” from my vocabulary. When I say it, I catch myself immediately. It’s taken me decades to rid myself of this little gremlin.

Living in hope is a quiet epidemic in our culture.
Virtually everyone is afflicted with it.

In almost every conversation, someone says, “I hope….”
Observe yourself carefully. I bet you’ll say it or write it today.
(Maybe not today because it’s top of your mind. I bet tomorrow for sure.)

As a thought, hope is optimistic, uplifting and inspiring.
Hopeful a wonderful way to be.

Spoken, the words “I hope” have the opposite effect.
They de-energize and dis-empower us when we say them.

Saying “I hope” imprints on you internally that you have no say in the matter, and expresses externally that you do not trust the force.

Hope is not trust.
If you hope, you do not trust.

Hoping is like wishing or praying.
It is out of your hands.

Trust is different.

Trusting is not hoping.
Trusting is knowing.
Trusting is going forward with energy and excitement and no attachment to the outcome.

Trust is an inner feeling, not a mental construct.

Whatever you desire, wherever you want to go, journey forward in trust.

Stop saying “I hope.”
Start saying, “I trust.”

Whether or not you get what you seek, trust the journey will be a good one.

The journey is the real spice of life.
Happiness is not a place you “hope” to get to someday.
Happiness is a place you come from.

Watch your language carefully.
Catch yourself when you say, “I hope.”

When you do, ring a bell, flip on a light, or pinch yourself.

Immediately rephrase and start with, “I trust….”

Stop hoping; start trusting.
Start today.

I trust today will be a good day.

You’re alive.
That makes it a good day.

I’ll meet you on the field.
Enjoy the game.

Mitch – CEO, Chief Encouragement Officer™
“Stop Hoping – Start Trusting!”