Get the #1 Amazon best seller today my gift
If you’ve seen my emails or Facebook posts, you know The NEW Game of Selling is on Amazon Kindle.
Yesterday The NEW Game of Selling became a #1 best seller.
So today, we’re celebrating.
All day today Saturday, 11/2 you can get the Kindle book FREE.
I’ve been posting on Facebook how this came out of the blue. The past 24 hours have been surreal and a bit overwhelming. It’s like it’s happening to someone else, and I’m reporting the story.
The NEW Game of Selling goes beyond selling. It’s about personal and professional transformation. It’s really about loving and serving people at the highest level, in business and in life.
This NEW Game playbook has made me a better businessperson, a better partner, a better dad, and a better man.
Vince Lombardi said, “Be brilliant on the basics.”
I wrote The NEW Game of Selling to be brilliant on the basics. For 35 years I have practiced the basics. We never outgrow executing on the fundamentals. That’s true in business and life.
The NEW Game playbook, skills and tools are essential for the young and eager as well as a grizzled veteran like me. It teaches what I did not get, and what kids today do not get in school:
How to be of service to others!
From my first 5 am dark-thirty newspaper delivery at age 13, and throughout the past 35 years in business my philosophy has been:
“I love and serve people, and they reward me with their money.”
The NEW Game of Selling is a way for me to love and serve more people who want to love and serve.
Learning, speaking and writing are my passions. Words are my canvass, the blank slate upon which I write the story of my life.
This is the story of how I play for the love of the game.
Please enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Get your free copy today and please, share the love with everyone you know.
You’re a player.
You CAN change the game.
I’ll meet you on the field today here…
P/S ~ Please feel free to write a review after you read the book. I’d love to know how your game changes.
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