Stop Exporting American Jobs… Transform Customer Service into NEW Business Profits! “People all over the world want what you have… including your job. The difference in the new game is that they don’t have to come to America to get it! By exporting our culture and now, our jobs we’re sending it to them!” — […]
Get Off the Platform… Hop on Board! There are many things you and I have in common with the rest of humanity. One shared experience is that somewhere along the line, we have all missed a train. Literally, and figuratively. I have missed quite a few. This past weekend, it hit me over the head […]
Here are 10 of the dozens of distinctions we made during our live seminar in San Diego: The NEW Game… of Business, Money and Life! 1. Welcome to the Age of Interdependence: You can’t do it alone. Your team is as valuable as your talent. Sometimes, more valuable. Assemble your team. Playing with better players […]
Welcome to… The New Game™! My name is Mitch Axelrod. If you’re ready to play a new game of business, money and life, I encourage you to get in the game, jump on the field, step up to the plate, and swing the bat. My aim is to help you prepare your game plan, assemble […]