So Much Yet, So Little

Have you noticed how we have so much and yet, so little?

So much spin, so little truth.
So much talk, so little listening.
So much conversation, so little understanding.

So much fluff, so little substance.
So much hype, so little trust.

So much information, so little insight.
So much knowledge, so little wisdom.
So much confusion, so little clarity.

So much blame, so little responsibility.
So much judgment, so little acceptance.
So much vanity, so little humanity.

So much disease, so little health.
So much stress, so little bliss.
So much movement, so little progress.

So much consumption, so little prudence.
So much waste, so little thrift.
So much money, so little wealth.

So much anger, so little compassion.
So much suffering, so little happiness.
So much heat, so little light.

So much ego, so little soul.
So much fear, so little love.
So much war, so little peace.

If I weren’t so optimistic,
I could be so distressed.

Play 98# from The NEW Game Playbook is:

Soul, Role, Goal… The NEW Values’ Hierarchy™

Your goal, where you go, is valuable.
Your role, what you do, is more valuable.
Your soul, who you are, is most valuable.

It’s important to set your goal.
It’s more important to enjoy your role.
It’s most important to take care of your soul.

Since I last spoke with you, I have been…

Taking care of my soul.
Clarifying my role.
Recalibrating my goal.

I am committed to turn so little into so much.
Will you join me?

I’ll talk to you tomorrow about how.

You’re a player.
You CAN turn so little into so much.

I’ll meet you on the field.

Mitch, CEO — Chief Encouragement Officer™
“Turn So Little into So Much!”

P/S — Please express your feelings and thoughts about,
“So much and yet, so little” below.