Facebook is a NEW Game Business Tool

Do you have a profile on Facebook yet?

Facebook is not just for teenagers anymore.

There are 65 million active users on Facebook, a
lot of them smart professionals like you and me.

If you’re not on Facebook yet, you are missing
valuable business opportunities. If you are on
Facebook, I bet you’re not getting the most out
of it for your business.

Here are 3 reasons why EVERY professional
and business owner uses Facebook to
strategically build their businesses:

1. Find business contacts. Your target market,
your customers, your JV partners… and your
competitors are ALL on Facebook.

2. Build relationships. Engaging in conversations
you can better adapt your marketing and business
services to serve them.

3. Target your niche. Users volunteer usable
information about themselves, demographics,
psychographics, and technographics that
used to cost a fortune to access.

I’m not doing any of these. I know virtually nothing.
I don’t have the time to learn by trial and error.

That’s why I’m letting Facebook expert Mari Smith
take me by the hand. She’s my shortcut.

Mari told me I WANT to be on Facebook NOW.
I know Mari for years, and when she speaks, I listen.

TODAY Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m. ET, Patsi and Denise
from The Blog Squad interview Mari Smith about how
you can be using Facebook to build your business.

Register here.

Mari will share shortcuts and tips like:

*How to use Facebook to build your business

*How Facebook is different from other social
networking platforms

*How Facebook is changing online business
and how you can get ahead of the curve

*Why it’s important and profitable to do social

*The difference between Facebook Friends
and your opt-in business list

*How to decide whether or not to accept a
Friend request

*How to evaluate which applications to use on
your Facebook profile

*How to make Facebook work for you

The investment to attend the teleseminar
is only $20.

Even if you cannot make it live you get the mp3.

Facebook is daunting to me.
I want to use it and I want a shortcut.

is it. I’m in.

If you don’t want to waste a lot of time learning
by trial and error how to really use Facebook,
invest $20 and an hour with Mari.

Remember, it’s recorded so you get the tips
whether or not you make the call live.

The call is at 5pm ET today.

Here’s where you reserve your spot.
