Win the NEW Game of Selling ™

“Forget your selling cycle. Align with a person’s Buying Cycle™!”
Your humble blogmeister, circa 1989

Since I developed the Three-Phase model I call, “The Buying Cycle” more than 15 years ago, I have taught, trained and talked about it to more than one million people. It is a major distinction between the old game and the new game of selling. In a nutshell:

Forget your selling cycle.
Align with a person’s Buying Cycle™!

The best play you can make to win The NEW Game of Selling™ is to focus 100% of your time, energy and resources on your customer’s Buying Cycle. The single most important game changing model of selling to understand, navigate and master is not a selling model at all. It’s a buying model.

It’s, “The Buying Cycle!”

How many buyers care about your selling cycle?
How many buyers care about their buying cycle?

People care about their buying, not your selling. It doesn’t matter when you are ready to sell. All that matters is…

**When are they are ready to buy?**

I call those who are most ready, “Hungry Fish.” I introduced this metaphor in 1992 in my Max Sales training system. I’m proud to say it’s the only training system approved by the legal departments of both Prudential and Met Life, and has helped my clients generate more than $1 billion in revenues.

You can transform the effectiveness of your marketing attraction and sales conversion by changing the game from the selling cycle to the buying cycle. The best marketing attracts the hungriest fish. The best selling converts them. The best service keeps them coming back for more.

This “integrated business model” is the NEW Game!

“The Buying Cycle ™” is simple to learn, easy to transfer. It should be basic training for everyone involved in the customer relationship. Nothing is more important than to identify and align with a buyer’s state of readiness.

Want to build rapport, quickly and easily?
Align with the buying cycle.

Want to have people trust you immediately?
Align with the buying cycle.

Want to reduce wasted effort presenting to tire kickers?
Align with the buying cycle.

Want to eliminate most if not all objections?
Align with the buying cycle.

Want to know exactly how and when to advance relationships?
Align with the buying cycle.

Want to find more hungry fish, buyers ready to bite?
Align with the buying cycle.

Want customers to generate more sales and revenue?
Align with their buying cycle.

Want to build evangelists and raving fans?
Align with their buying cycle.

No single shift will produce more dramatic results than…

Aligning with the buying cycle!

If you want to win the NEW Game of Selling™ then…

Align with the buying cycle!

Mitch Axelrod, creator of The NEW Game of Selling
“Align with The Buying Cycle™”