Make More Rain in Your Business Today

Today we went deep and wide in our monthly Rainmakers
Mastery™ conversation about business and life.

Download the mp3 here…

We detailed specific “what and ho

w to do” including:

-> 2nd Opinion Marketing:
Give Away the “What” and Charge for the “How”

-> 3 Magic Words That Advance Relationships:
How to Get Alignment, Agreement and Commitment

-> The “Billion Dollar Question” That Changes the Game:
“How can I serve you or help you best, right now?”

-> Human Beings at Work:
Get the Most Out of Every Player on Your Team

-> Value Profiles Boost Teamwork and Productivity:
Axiology Changes the Personal Performance Game

More about Axiology and the Value Profile here:

Value Profile reseller and certification here…

-> Advancing a Consulting Opportunity:
What to Say and Do to Advance a Consulting Gig.

-> The 6-Part “Made to Stick” SUCCES Formula:
Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, Story

-> Generate More Revenue and Profit NOW
Capitalize and Leverage 5 + 2 Customer Touch Points

-> Success Story – Naturopathic Physician
How “Playing Her Game” Transformed Her Life and Work

-> Content and Intellectual Property = NEW Game Currency:
Convert Content and Intellectual Property into Cash Assets

-> The SOUL, ROLE, GOAL of Life:
Enrich life, enliven livelihood, earn a prosperous living.

Download the mp3 of Rainmakers Mastery here…

Would you like personal attention from me
and the Rainmaker team for the next six months?

Join Rainmakers Mastery with a six-month membership
starting this month through March, 2010.

You get:

-> Personal attention every month on how to
make rain in your business or company.

-> Wisdom of fellow Rainmakers.
Become part of our Rainmakers community.

-> All 25 hours of Rainmakers meetings on mp3, a
treasure trove of strategies you can use forever.

-> $11,247 of REAL value in proven Rainmaking and
business building models, training and support
including The NEW Game of Selling™ course, all
13 The NEW Game of Business™ videos and the
complete Billion Dollar Playbook.

If you have upside income potential I will do
everything I can to help you capture it.


you want insight from talented, successful, giving
people on how to boost your personal market value,
Rainmakers Mastery is a great team to play with.

Here’s my promise to you:

If after six months, you honestly don’t feel you got
far more than you invested, if you don’t enhance your
quality of life and improve the quality of your results,
keep coming to meetings until you do or ask for your
money back.

Rainmakers Mastery is all about you getting results.
It’s a rigged game. We set you up to win. You can’t lose.

All about Rainmakers Mastery here…

Six-month membership claim form here…

I look forward to meeting you on the field in a few
weeks for our next Rainmakers Mastery meeting.

Mitch, CEO – Chief Encouragement Officer
Rainmakers Mastery™

P/S ~ If personal attention and coaching every
month can help you earn at least $1,000 more
over the next six months, join us.

You get permanent access to the complete Rainmakers
archives, The NEW Game of Selling training, The
NEW Game of Business video collection and the
Billion Dollar Playbook, with 33 revenue


Remember, if you honestly don’t feel you got far
more than you invested, continue to attend meetings
until you do or ask for your money back.

All about Rainmakers Mastery here…

Six-month membership claim form here…