Articles Posted in the " PLAY the NEW Game " Category

  • Are You an Ethical Opportunist?

    Are You an Ethical Opportunist?

    Are You an Ethical Opportunist? When windows of opportunity swing open up for you, do you ‘carpe’ and seize the moment? There is no shortage of opportunity. There IS a shortage of opportunists. Webster’s dictionary gives us some clues as to why. It defines opportunist as: “One who takes advantage of conditions or circumstances for […]

  • Life is NOT a Win/Lose Game

    Life is NOT a Win/Lose Game

    Here is a “No BOX” way of thinking about winning and losing. The opposite of winning is NOT losing. The opposite of winning is IMPROVING. Whether the “final” score is in your favor or not, you can always improve your game. In most games, winning is commonly considered “success” and losing is all too often […]

  • For the LOVE of the Game

    For the LOVE of the Game

    If I call you on March 1, 2007, what would you be most excited to tell me one year from now? What valuable “net positive” change will happen for you this year? For me, a big net positive occurs today, March 1, 2006, as the March/April issue of Networking Times hits the news stands and […]

  • 2006: The YEAR of Clarity!

    2006: The YEAR of Clarity!

    Go Inside… I’ve been running silent and deep this past month like a submarine 20,000 leagues under the sea. I say, “Good riddance” to 2005, for me a gut wrenching and life-altering year. How about you? Do you feel a sense of new possibility? What would you like to be feeling, doing, and saying about […]

  • Find True North

    Find True North

    Today is my 27th business anniversary. I started on Halloween, 1978. As of today, I have been self-employed for 9,862 days in a row. If Cal Ripkin, Jr. was the Iron Man, Lou Gehrig the Iron Horse, and Superman the Man of Steel, what does 9,862 days in a row make me? Probably a crazy […]

  • Ask for HELP… Your Life Depends On It

    Ask for HELP… Your Life Depends On It

    What holds you back from getting all the help you need and want? Vulnerability is the life skill of being willing to be open and exposed. We (especially men) often think being vulnerable means being weak. It’s just being human. At one time or another, we are all vulnerable. Even though we use all kinds […]

  • 8 Magic Words That Will Make Your Day…

    8 Magic Words That Will Make Your Day…

    The Highest Compliment I Ever Got Paid! At the end of my interview this morning on KIND radio, Independence, KS, the host said eight magic words that made my day: “We would love to have you back again.” I have a simple standard of performance. It’s not perfection. Unless you’re building a bridge, perfection is […]

  • Play Your Best Game TODAY!

    Play Your Best Game TODAY!

    Welcome to Spring! One of the great benefits of working with people is how much you can learn. Every day is a new day of discovery and adventure. Much of life’s valuable wisdom comes from how we overcome setbacks, letdowns and disappointments, and continue forward. A key to living in the present is to not […]

  • Originators and Imitators!

    Originators and Imitators!

    It’s said that imitation is the highest form of flattery. Flattery, it seems, is everywhere. There have never been so many people writing so many things they have learned from others. Spreading education is a great thing. Unfortunately, many people write without reference, credit, attribution or acknowledgment of their sources. They co-opt sayings, phrases, language […]

  • Five Webinar Keepers

    Five Webinar Keepers

    On Tuesday, March 1 Networking Times Magazine sponsored my Webinar… “Rejection Proof Networking!” This program is filled with golden nuggets, valuable life skills for business and business skills for life. Here are a few highlights we discussed: 1) The “Stimulus – Response” Model: Alters your relationship with the past and enables decision-making to occur in […]