Splitting Arrows

A BIG “Aha” from my corporate coaching work…

I got a lot of response to my “floater” story.

(You can read it; it’s the February 24 Blog post,
“Power Networking… Floating in the Caribbean!”

I met a Senior V.P. if IBM floating on a raft in
the Caribbean Sea. That is where the story starts.

The “Aha” is about where the story is going.

I have often been reminded it is more important
“WHO” you know than “HOW MANY” you know.
This is especially true in business.

If you look at any target, the bulls-eye is worth
more than many of the other circles combined.

One hit in the center of the target gets a bigger
score than multiple hits in the outer rings.

It seems I may have hit the bulls-eye with IBM.
I would like to take credit for being a great shot.
Sometimes being lucky is a prerequisite to get
the chance to demonstrate that you’re also good.

But being lucky is not enough. If I scored one hit
into the IBM bulls-eye, but did not bring my A-game,
I would be just another one-hit wonder.

It is good to be lucky.
It is better to be lucky and good.

Here is the luck.
I stumbled into the largest sector of IBM’s business.
The man who hired me serves IBM’s biggest accounts.
The first team I worked with reps their biggest client.

Imagine an archer hitting the bulls-eye of a target,
then splitting the first arrow with the second arrow,
then splitting both with a third arrow!

That describes my first three shots with IBM.
No doubt, I was lucky to float past this man.
Luck gave me the opportunity to get in the game.

I cannot predict how the rest of the game will go,
or how accurate my aim will be, but I do know I
am getting more shots at the target.

There is important learning here.
Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity.

Be open to coincidence, serendipity and synchronicity!

Be alert and aware to people who float into your life.
Do not prejudge. You never know who is on that raft.

Be interested before you try to be interesting.
People will tell you more if you are interested.
Engage them. Ask them about them.

Be willing to give, help, and serve them first.
Find out who and what they are looking for.
Then offer your resources to help them get it.

Advance the relationship. Ask,

“What is the highest and best way we can serve one another?”

The new game is not about compromise.
It’s about seeking the highest and best outcomes for all.

The next time you get lucky, ask yourself this:

“How can I turn my good fortune into the highest
and best possible outcomes for all involved?”

I hear people say, “I’m not lucky.” That may be so.
But even if you have no luck, you can be good.

There is an old truth that is very new game:
Cream rises to the top.

Don’t wait to get lucky.
Be good. Being good brings it’s own brand of luck.

Don’t wait for your ship to come in. Get on a raft,
start paddling and keep your eyes open for floaters.

You’re a player.
Keep improving your game.

Mitch, CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer),
The New Game™

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